Portfolio optimization of stock returns in high-dimensions: A copula-based approach

K. Autchariyapanitkul, S. Chanaim, S. Sriboonchitta


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We used the multivariate t copula, which can capture the tail de-pendence to modeling the dependence structure of the risk in portfolio analysis.Multivariate t copula based on GARCH model was used to explain portfolio riskstructure for high-dimensional asset allocation issue. With this method we usedthe Monte Carlo simulation and the results of multivariate t copula to estimatethe expected shortfall of the portfolio. Finally, we obtained the optimal weightedfor conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) model with the assumption of multivariatedistribution to illustrate the potential model risk among portfolios returns.




How to Cite

Team, S. (2014). Portfolio optimization of stock returns in high-dimensions: A copula-based approach: K. Autchariyapanitkul, S. Chanaim, S. Sriboonchitta. Thai Journal of Mathematics, 11–23. Retrieved from https://thaijmath2.in.cmu.ac.th/index.php/thaijmath/article/view/416