Spectrum and Fine Spectrumof Generalized Second Order Difference Operator ∆2uv on Sequence Space c0
Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi, Parmeshwary Dayal Srivastava
Generalized second order difference operator, Sequence space c0, Spectrum of an operatorAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to determine spectrum and fine spectrumof newly introduced operator ∆2uv on sequence space c0. The operator ∆2uv on sequence space c0 is defined by ∆2uv x= (unxn−vn−1xn−1+un−2xn−2)∞n=0withx−1, x−2= 0,wherex= (xn)∈c0,u= (uk) is a either constant or strictlydecreasing sequence of positive real numbers withU= limk→∞uk6= 0,v= (vk)is a sequence of positive real numbers such thatvk6= 0 for eachk∈N0withV= limk→∞vk6= 0. In this paper we have obtained the results on spectrum andpoint spectrum for the operator ∆2uv over sequence space c0. We have also obtainedthe results on continuous spectrumσc(∆2uv, c0), residual spectrumσr(∆2uv, c0) andfine spectrum of the operator ∆2uv on sequence space c0.